swLORETA Z-Score Training, Z-Score Neurofeedback, pEMF, and LENS

The Neurofeedback Center offers these different neurotherapy modalities and what is selected for your treatment will be determined from a complete evaluation.

swLORETA Z-Score Neurofeedback Training ?

LORETA refers to low resolution electromagnetic tomography. This is a kind of QEEG analysis that provides an estimation of the location of the underlying brain generators (e.g., the anterior cingulate, insula, fusiform gyrus) of the patient’s EEG activity within a frequency band. The LORETA brainmaps (qEEGs) look a lot like an MRI.

swLORETA and sLORETA z score neurofeedback training differences. We’ve used sLORETA since 2014 which was a huge breakthrough in the science and technology of neurofeedback. But, now since 2019 there has been an even greater development in the technology and software engineering. With the swLORETA z score neurofeedback system in 2020 and it has been remarkable. It’s as if when we started using sLORETA we made it to outer space and with swLORETA we have landed on the moon! swLORETA included the cerebellum which effectively increased our brain regions by about 80%. With sLORETA we had approximately 600 voxels of space in the brain to analyze and now with swLORETA it has more than 1200 voxels of space. This helps us to link symptoms to the brain much more effectively.

What is Live Z Score Training?

Live z score training combines training the frequencies with a scientifically normative database. This allows the feedback to guide the patient toward normalized function moment to moment for their age and gender. Continuous calculations are being computed comparing the way that the brain is functioning on different variables. When 19 channels are used it is literally training the entire brain and all the connectivity issues between each site, (6,700 parameters at one time), which is quite amazing. Feedback is given in the form of sound, games and or a DVD. When the brainwaves are moving toward the normalized direction they get more feedback in the form of changes on the screen or in the musical sounds. This form of training has helped significantly decrease the number of sessions required to help change their symptoms from the traditional type of neurofeedback where only one or two electrodes are used.

What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequency (pEMF)?

This technology incorporates very low intensity, pulsed electromagnetic field (pEMF) stimulation, and electroencephalography (EEG) all in one biofeedback system. It can generate pEMF frequencies from 0.31-300,000 Hz. The pEMF output ranges from 1-40 microtesla, but the low intensity pEMF is 10,000,000 times weaker than traditional rTMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) which was approved by the FDA in 2008 for the treatment of depression.
A 19 channel EEG amplifier can used with the pEMF device to measure EEG in between pEMF stimulation utilizing the real time z-score procedure and has been integrated in the normed database for use with 19 channel LORETA and Surface neurofeedback z-score platform. This technology is quite remarkable.

How Long Does Neurofeedback Take for Results?

It always depends on the nature of the dysregulation. For problems of recent origin, in a fairly healthy nervous system, it will take fewer sessions. For problems of longer duration, a longer course of Neurotherapy 40 sessions or more is more reasonable. For deeply entrenched problems that are similar to ones your parents or even grandparents had: still longer, commensurate with the amount of time the condition has existed. Serious disorders such as Cerebral Palsy, Stroke, Epilepsy, Eating Disorders, Autism, RAD may require many treatments, but over time, there is usually a steady gradient of improvement, rather than decline. The important thing to know is that each individual is assessed and treated based on his symptoms and the EEG results. We repeat EEGs over time to know when we get closer to being finished.